Physicians’ Education Resource, LLC: An Animated View of Alopecia Areata to Advance Our Approaches to Patient Management
Friday, July 22
Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disease characterized by hair loss that afflicts approximately 6.8 million individuals in the United States. Recent insights into the pathogenesis of AA have led to the development of promising treatments, with traditional systemic therapies being replaced with novel therapies. This presentation will feature an in-depth overview of the pathophysiology of AA, a review of current approaches to care, and take a deep dive into emerging agents through animated graphics and expert faculty conversations. This activity is supported by educational grants from Pfizer Inc.
When: Friday, July 22 | 7 p.m. Registration and Meal | 7:30 - 9 p.m. Program
Where: MacKenzie Ballroom | Fairmont Waterfront