DataDerm™ events planned for Annual Meeting in New Orleans
Tracking patient encounters to improve care.
The AAD is offering several events during its Annual Meeting in New Orleans to highlight the AAD’s DataDerm™, the largest clinical data registry in dermatology. Since its inception, DataDerm™ has collected data on nearly 50 million patient encounters with the goal of promoting the highest standards in clinical practice and research, including addressing disparities in dermatologic care.
F038-Using DataDerm™ to Understand Disparities in Dermatologic Care
Friday, March 17 | 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Room 345
Session speakers will use DataDerm™ to discuss real-world data from the registry to discuss disparities in treatment of dermatologic disease. Experts will discuss how our specialty can prospectively identify data elements to address and mitigate disparities in diagnosis and response to treatment over time.
DataDerm™ Registry and Refreshments
Friday, March 17 | 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Convention Center Foyer Room 338
Join us after DataDerm Session F038 for refreshments and conversation about how DataDerm’s real-world data is fueling patient insights and powering clinical research.
DataDerm™ Drop-In Hours
Saturday, March 18, and Sunday, March 19 | 10 - 11 a.m.
AAD Resource Center Booth 4039
Learn how DataDerm can help you assess and optimize care, avoid penalties, and advance the specialty. Ask our experts how to enroll and use dermatology’s largest clinical data registry.
Visit AAD DermWorld Meeting News Central for more articles.