Refer a patient to Camp Discovery!
A rewarding experience.

In his plenary speech yesterday, Academy President Mark Kaufmann, MD, FAAD, reminded members that volunteering for the AAD’s Camp Discovery, one of our signature offerings, is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things you can do as a dermatologist, and the experience is just as rewarding for the campers.
Camp Discovery is strongly supported by donors and provides kids living with a chronic skin condition a one-of-a-kind camp experience. This year is the 30th anniversary of Camp Discovery. To celebrate, we want to send 300 kids to Camp — but we need your help!
Dr. Kaufmann wants more kids to experience Camp Discovery.
Every Camper must be referred by a dermatologist. That’s where you come in. By April 4, refer a young patient of yours to Camp Discovery — and give them a life-changing summer camp experience. Learn more about Camp and complete the referral form today.
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