What’s hot in dermatology?
Pressing topics relevant to all dermatologists.

Saturday, March 26 | 1 – 4 p.m.
Room: Ballroom West
Only the most pressing topics make it to the Hot Topics session each year. And this year is no different! S038 – Hot Topics returns to the Annual Meeting in Boston with a comprehensive list of discussions driven by registrant consensus. Each year’s lineup is a true reflection of member concerns and interests.
This year’s Hot Topics presentations will spotlight multiple medical/surgical topics, including some with social and economic importance. All discussions are designed to aid dermatologists in diagnosing skin diseases more effectively, recognize the implications of their clinical decision-making and apply evidence-based knowledge to treatment and patient care.
The session will explore eight sessions within the three-hour time period. Here’s a look at what you can expect:
Atopic Dermatitis
Eric Lawrence Simpson, MD, FAAD
Hair Disorders and Hair Growth
Jerry Shapiro, MD, FAAD
Lasers and Energy-based Therapies
Murad Alam, MD, FAAD
Pediatric Dermatology
Kelly M. Cordoro, MD, FAAD
Melanoma Update
Susan M. Swetter, MD, FAAD
Contact Dermatitis
David Eric Cohen, MD, FAAD
Arielle Rachel Nagler, MD, FAAD
Kenneth B. Gordon, MD, FAAD
Each speaker will provide state-of-the-art material, highlighting recent trends and developments and accenting emerging and innovative therapies.
Watch for more Hot Topics coverage in DW Meeting News.
Visit AAD DermWorld Meeting News Central for more articles.