Registration surging for AAD Boston meeting
There's still time to register!
Have you joined your colleagues? As of mid-February, overall registration for the 2022 Annual Meeting in Boston surpassed 10,000.
2022 promises to deliver exceptional programming, including 300 educational sessions, ranging from large symposia and courses to intimate focus sessions and hands-on workshops, a robust exhibit hall, networking opportunities, and Industry Non-CME (INC) Programs. To review the extensive list of sessions, speakers, and topics, visit the updated online program.
The AAD Annual Meeting is like no other. In fact, it’s the biggest annual event in dermatology. You can register at
Once you’ve registered, be sure to follow us for updates and announcements. Take an early look at all the exciting plans by following DermWorld Meeting News, and at @AADmember on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Use the hashtag #AAD2022 to engage with your colleagues and share your meeting experience.
Visit AAD DermWorld Meeting News Central for more articles.