Unmasking patient cosmetic concerns
Live demonstrations addressed facial anatomy and aesthetic options.
The 2024 AAD Annual Meeting hosted two Live Demonstrations in San Diego. The live, interactive sessions featured multiple California dermatologists who assessed aging face rejuvenation and made treatment recommendations in the upper- and mid-face, peri-oral area, jaw line, neck, and select non-facial areas. Discussion included treatment augmentation with dermal fillers, treatment of submental fullness, and optimal use of neuromodulators.
Seth L. Matarasso, MD, FAAD, clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California San Francisco was among the presenters at both March 8 sessions, C002 – Live Demonstration: The State of the Art of Aesthetic Dermatology and C004 – Live Demonstration: Soft Tissue Augmentation and Neuromodulators – Simultaneous Cadaver Prosection and Live Patient Injections.
“There’s no one size fits all. You must individualize what is appropriate for the patient, respecting their age, ethnicity, gender, and what bothers them,” Dr. Matarasso said. “We should also know the science and the facial anatomy before doing anything.”
Here is a look at some of the patient assessments featured at the two Live Demonstration sessions.