Up and at ‘em!
Sunday Sunrise sessions are worth digging into.

SUN10 – Innovative Pearls
7:30-8:30 a.m. | Sunday, Aug. 4
Ballroom 6A
SUN12 – Advancing Health Care Equity
7:30-8:30 a.m. | Sunday, Aug. 4
Room 607
While there are no worms for early birds who rise for the 2024 AAD Innovation Academy, there is plenty to unearth in the form of high-yield learning at the two Sunday Sunrise sessions, which will bring innovation and health care equity into sharp focus.
During SUN10 – Innovative Pearls, former AAD President and Cleveland dermatologist Kenneth J. Tomecki, MD, FAAD, will talk about the current state of dermatology and advancements made by the Academy, including a medical/surgical panel discussion about practice-changing topics, specifically recent trends and developments. Speakers will highlight new and contemporary information at both the diagnostic and therapeutic levels, while accenting personal experiences and individual expertise. All presentations will be clinically germane and directly applicable to patient care, providing attendees with the ability to better recognize and treat a variety of clinical/surgical conditions.
In the session, SUN12 – Advancing Health Care Equity, Sigrid Collier, MD, FAAD, an acting instructor in dermatology at the University of Washington in Seattle, will lead panelists in a discussion of health disparities and poor health outcomes among marginalized and underserved populations within the United States and around the globe. Discussion will focus on underlying causes of health inequities in dermatology as well as strategies to improve dermatologic care for the world’s most vulnerable populations. This includes improving access to health services for underserved populations, increasing representation of patients with skin of color in medical education, expanding access to dermatology education, mitigating the impact of climate change on skin health, and supporting people who face structural barriers to care. Under Dr. Collier’s direction, the discussion will help attendees better recognize the impact of health inequities, social determinants of health, and structural racism on outcomes in dermatology patients. Attendees will also understand the role dermatologists, individually and collectively, can play in addressing health inequities, and offer steps a dermatologist can take to address health care inequities.